Feng Shui Yin and Yang | Lucky Obsidian Lucky Obsidian's Blog Posts blog Ways to balance Yin and Yang in your home
Feng Shui Yin and Yang

Feng Shui Yin and Yang


Life is all about balance. People worldwide are struggling to establish the right equilibrium in regards to their diets, health, social lives, and homes. Feng Shui principles are helping people worldwide in achieving harmony and balance in their lives.

 Although Feng Shui principles were introduced 5000 years ago, their theories remain relevant. According to Feng Shui, the energy surrounding us has two primary forces, Yin and Yang.  Both of them are opposing forces but are deeply rooted within each other.

 Balancing Yin and Yang's energies is essential for bringing success, happiness, and good fortune to your homes or workplaces. So how do we create good Feng Shui and strike the right balance between Yin and Yang energies?

 What is Yin energy?

Yin is the feminine energy usually represented by cool and still environments, dark colors, and quiet spaces. Yin energy is quite essential in any environment as it gives people an opportunity to relax and free their minds.

 However, too much Yin energy can result in a lack of motivation, inability to focus and concentrate and cause depression.

 What is Yang energy?

Yang is the masculine energy represented by hot and active environments, bright colors, and lively spaces. The presence of Yang energy helps people to stay motivated and productive throughout the day.

However, too much Yang energy can result in restlessness, stress, and anger issues.

Balancing Yin and Yang of your living spaces

Different rooms serve different purposes. So, each one of them has its own Yin and Yang requirements. It is essential to balance the Yin and Yang energies in your home to live a happier and prosperous life.  Do you want to know which room should be balanced with Yin and what with Yang? 

  1. Bedroom prefers Yin energies: 

    The main purpose of the bedroom is to relax and rest.  So, it ultimately makes sense why your bedroom should have more Yin energies than Yang.  To increase the Yin energies in your room, choose dark wall colors and dim or very subtle lighting.  The cooler the temperatures, the higher are the Yin energies in your room.

  2. Living Room prefers Yang energies: 

    A living room is a space in your home which people use to welcome their guests and socialize with their friends and family members. So, it should have Yang energies in abundance.

    The living room of your home should have an active and vibrant environment rather than one that puts you to sleep. To increase the Yang energies in your living room, go for bright and vibrant wall colors and lighting. You can also add colorful wall paintings to your living room.

  3. Kitchen prefers Yang energies: 

    Another highly active space in your home is the kitchen, as all family members gather there for the food. So, it should have more Yang energies than Yin. It will help family members to eat their food in a happy environment.

  4.  Empty rooms or storage spaces prefer Yin energies: 

    These are places where even homeowners rarely pay a visit and lack a human presence.  Most people think that these places should have Yin energies more.

    However, Yin energies in these places attract insects and pests. So, these places should have the right balance of both energies. You can add bright and vibrant lights to the storage spaces. Keeping a scented candle or fragrant scented oils will also help increase the Yang energies.


    It is never easy to live in a house where Yin and Yang's energies are imbalanced. Living in a home where Yin energies are intense can cause sickness, lack of motivation, and many health issues. Similarly, living in homes where the Yang energies are intense can cause high blood pressure, liver damage, heart diseases, and other serious health problems. If Yin and Yang's energies are balanced in your living spaces, only then can you be in great shape.



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