How to Use Positive Affirmations Correctly | Lucky Obsidian News blog How to use positive affirmations correctly in your life
How to Use Positive Affirmations Correctly

How to Use Positive Affirmations Correctly


Everyone needs some emotional support in their life, but it isn't easy to get the right support, so you might need to train your mind to think positively. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool, and when you regularly repeat these positive affirmations, words eventually become a reality.

Your brain has to deal with millions of information and calculations, and it takes whatever you give for processing. Initially, it may not understand what positive and negative thoughts are. So using vague affirmations will not show you the best results.

5 Tips on How to Use Positive affirmations Correctly in Your Life

Positive affirmations help in motivating yourself to fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals. Here are some of the powerful tips on how to use positive affirmations correctly:

List down the negative thoughts you want to get rid of

Do you want to live a healthy and peaceful life? Then,  you must free your mind from negative thoughts. To identify all your negative thoughts, you must start writing them down in your diary to later think of solutions to get rid of them all. Affirmations are beneficial in transforming your negative thoughts into positive ones.

Suppose you think your business is not growing at a reasonable pace, and you might want to give up on it. Start by writing it down in your diary so you can later dismiss it with positive affirmations.  Remind yourself every day that your hard work and dedication will pay you off well someday. You are capable of doing all the great things in your life ".

Prioritize your thoughts you want to work on

It might be difficult to eliminate all the negative thoughts at once. So, the best approach is to identify the ones that are affecting you more. Once you have identified them, it will be easy to work on them and dismiss them using positive affirmations. However, don't just stop there. You must keep writing all your negative thoughts and fix them one by one.

Counterargument to your negative thought

After picking up the negative thought you want to work on, you will need to write down its counterargument. Give reason to yourself that counters your negative thought and affirms how this reason will make you feel—at the same time, making counterarguments, no need to lie to yourself.

The most effective arguments are based on truth, and you can only achieve your goals if you are truthful to yourself.

Make affirmations using your counterarguments

You can write your affirmations by using your counterarguments for guidance. Your affirmation should portray a positive and kind image of yourself. In your counterargument, the identified feeling should support you and affirm that you are definitely worth the while.

Your self-evaluation often becomes the biggest support for you, whether positive or negative, so channeling your assessment towards your positive aspects becomes the backbone of your journey to becoming a better version of yourself. An example of using a counterargument to your benefit would be that a person who feels unathletic should say, "I am a healthy exercising man who is consistent. One day I will become an amazing athlete."

Repetition of affirmations

Negative thoughts are very reoccurring, so to counter negative thoughts, you should repeat your affirmation out loud over and over again. An excellent practice would be to stare at yourself in the mirror. At the same time, repeating an affirmation might be uncomfortable initially, but the purpose of your affirmation is fulfilled only when you keep repeating them consistently.


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