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10 Luckiest Colors for 2022

10 Luckiest Colors for 2022

10 shades of 2022

Colors carry meanings. They convey realities and possibilities that human language can’t. In many traditions, practitioners use color as not only a medium of expression but also of action. The sacred eternal significance of colors transcends visible and invisible boundaries. Color in essence is divine code and congregation of frequencies that possess the power of attraction and distraction.

A life without colors is dull but let us helps you paint it with the right colors. We present to you 10 of the luckiest colors to paint yourself a fulfilling life in the year of 2022.



The general theme of 2022 is balance, harmony and practicality. There will be an abundance of chaos and opportunities. This year represents a gist of sustainable positive growth. 

Astrologically, Saturn in the sign of Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. This implies the inherent need for structure and persistence in midst of turmoil. With mercury retrograding in earth signs, this year in multiple areas tends towards extremities.

According to Chinese astrology and the ancient science of Feng Shui, 2022 is the year of the water tiger. The element of this year is water. Qualities such as ambition, competitive spirit and compulsiveness will be emphasized in the impressions and expressions made this year.

Numerologically, the year pleasantly channels the energy of the master number 222 into achieving a state of balance, harmony and cooperation in individual and collective pursuits .Answers to questions long posed will be implicated through the simple organizational energy that will be abundant during this year. This year opens the door to sustainable, innovative solutions through a path of hard work and practicality. It amplifies the necessity of qualities represented by the number 2. 

2022 is a year that will emphasize qualities such as balance, harmony, structure and cooperation in your professional and personal pursuits . Your patience may be tested as you face events that can sometimes seem overwhelming but you will always find solace and solution in the systems that you implement. 2022 calls for a recognition of these systems and provides you with just the right mix of ambition and passion to aid in the discovery of them. 

 A colorful touch to one’s life can allow you to harness or balance the intrinsic energy of this year. Given below are 10 colors that will aid you through your adventure in 2022.

  1. Coffee brown: Representive of the element earth, coffee brown will allow you to hone into the grounding quality of this year. The muted influence of this shade will also assist in harnessing the energy of the earth. Not at all over-stimulating for the senses, this color is one of the theme colors of 2022 . Surround yourself with this earthy tone which is abundantly available in nature. Let the magic of the color of your morning coffee energize  you throughout the day
  2. Amber/Imperial yellow: Being the year of the water tiger, imperial yellow is one of the primary fortifying colors of 2022 as recommended by the science of Feng-shui. The bright shade represents the element of fire and that of earth to a lesser extent and will aid in amplification of qualities relating to community and cooperation. Buy your beloved a bouquet of sunflowers. You may also benefit from meditating with a crystal of amber or citrine. Make sure to use the energy of this color assist you in deriving solutions to complex social and familial dynamics . 
  1. Cerulean blue: Another fortifying color of 2022, this azure like shade of blue represents the element of air and is closely associated with the throat chakra. Used wisely this shade will enhance clarity and quality of communication, encourage innovative solutions to unresolved issues and pacify excessive nervous enough. Easy on the eyes, this color will be of immense help to people looking to expand their academic pursuits. Incorporate this color in your clothing .Students may also benefit from using azure ink to convey and understand written concepts with clarity. Meditate with crystals like aventurine to support the throat chakra.
  2.   Fiery red: Yet another fortifying color of 2022, this bright shade of red invokes the element of fire and exemplifies passion and ambition. Immensely energizing, this color has the potential to become your signature color in 2022. A fiery shade of red channels the energy of the white tiger with ease and elegance. Red is also the color of romantic love and is sure to assist you in your romantic pursuits for this year. Surprise your partner with bright red roses. Women can wear garments and accessories of bright red color. Your red lipstick is sure to turn some heads this year. 

Used in excess this color can be over stimulating  to the nervous system and attract hostility and unhealthy competitiveness, thus use it wisely. Don’t play with fire, or in this case fiery red!

  1. Mint Green: Another fortifying color for the year of 2022, this cool shade of green represents the energy of the element of water. Extremely soothing and relaxing to the eyes. This color is especially lucky for the month of April, wherein Jupiter enters the sign of pisces.It pleasantly neutralizes excessive fire energy and helps direct it in an intentional way. People with excess of fire energy are recommended to use this color generously to amplify focus and calm their nerves.  Green is also the color of health and abundance. Meditation on mint green crystals will aid in release of emotional trauma and act as a preventative against any injury to your emotional and physical wellbeing this year.
  2. White: White across multiple traditions and religions is considered to symbolize purity and chastity. In Chinese astrology, this color represents the element of metal and is recommended as a balancing color for 2022. Balancing colors neutralize the harmful effects that may arise from excess of energy offered during a particular time. This is a good base color to return to at times of the year when you feel overwhelmed. To incorporate the energy of this color in your life, meditate on white crystals such as selenite and clear quartz. This color is of special benefit for people seeking clarity and truth on complex matters.
  3. Gold: This vibrant color is used almost universally to represent financial abundance and happens to be one of the balancing colors of 2022. It is representive of the element of metal in Feng shui. Gold jewelry are a primary way of incorporating the magic of this color into your life. You may also keep a crystal of pyrite in your purse or wallet.
  4. Grey: Grey is a muted non attention grabbing tone that emphasizes simplicity and structure. It is rightfully the theme color for 2022 as it amplifies the intrinsic energy naturally available this year
  5. Pastel pink: This pleasant shade of pink symbolizes sincerity, empathy, friendship and compassion.  The effect of this color offers neutrality to hostile and unfriendly social dynamics. Use this color to catalyze negotiations and express friendly affection.
  6. Beige: Quite close to pink in appearance , this light shade of brown represents the energy of the number 2 and encourages the development of qualities emphasized by the master number 222. Surround yourself with beige tone to enable superior harmony in daily dynamics and to achieve a state of balance and equilibrium in uneven situations.

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